PASS will attend the IDA WORLD CONGRESS in Dubai in October 2019
来源: | 作者:百盛水工业 | 更新时间 :2019-08-16 10:15:46 | 599 次浏览 | 分享到:
PASS will attend the IDAWORLD CONGRESS in Dubai from October 20-24, 2019,Booth number is A31 ,And mainly provide solutions for pipeline connection of water treatment system.

PASS will attend the IDAWORLD CONGRESS in Dubai from October 20-24, 2019,Booth number is A31 ,And mainly provide solutions for pipeline connection of water treatment system.

The IDA World Congress 2019: ‘Crossroads to Sustainability’, is being held October 20-24, 2019 in Dubai, UAE, and is hosted by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, is pivotal to the various discussions already taking place concerning ways to satisfy the growing demand for sustainable sources of fresh water in response to population growth, industrial needs, degradation of existing resources, energy-water-food nexus, and the effects of climate change. We are looking forward to welcoming leaders of the water and energy industries to continue the dialogue about solutions to this issue that has ramifications for every citizen of our planet.